Cumbria Way Photos

Cumbria Way Photo Gallery

On this page I have collected a series of images taken along the length of the route. The Cumbria Way Photo Gallery has been split into 5 stages to mimic how this site describes the Cumbria Way walk. The stages are broken down into the ‘normal’ 5 day duration of a Cumbria Trip as follows. Ulverston to Coniston, Coniston to Great Langdale, Great Langdale to Keswick, Keswick to Caldbeck and Caldbeck to Carlisle.

Please note that all images in the Cumbria Way Photo Gallery are copyright to the photographer mentioned. No image is to be re-used in any way without prior permission from myself or the photographer credited. 

© David Harrison

Suggested walking site to visit .....

If you enjoy looking at photos taken whilst out walking then I heartily can recommend visiting Dave, Angie and Fudge’s site at They have assembled hundreds of photos from their walks, not only in the Lake District, but all over the UK including their multi-day long distance walks. Dave was kind enough to allow me to use some of his photos on this site and the least I can do is send some visitors his way. Take a look and if you enjoy the site then say hello.